Holy Flamingo Poop - Episode 7 - D.M. Guay
It was a pleasure and an honour to speak with D.M. Guay, author of the 24/7 Demon Mart series this month. Her books are absolutely riotous - I’ve read both The Graveyard Shift (Book One) and Monster Burger (Book Two). Imagine Kwik-E-Mart Americana mashed up with Faustian devil-deal hellfire mythology for the first, the second is an ode to zombie film and other media. I’ve five-starred both of them - if you like to laugh, check them out.
But not before you listen to Denise talk a bit about herself and her work. This was a fascinating conversation, and after having spoken with her, I can tell you that her books seem to me to be a true expression of her personality, for whatever that’s worth. Pure authenticity here.
D.M. Guay
DM Guay is a big geek, huge horror fan, and loves stand-up comedy. She mish-mashes her love of all that's scary/gory/geeky/funny into stories about creeps and critters, ghouls and ghosts, and all of the unseemly things that go bump in the night.
Denise lives in Ohio, land of corn fields, where she defiantly chooses to grow beets instead. She loves Godzilla, tiki bars, liquid eyeliner, 24-hour horror movie festivals, and most of all, people who make art, despite adversity, no matter what life throws at them. She has stage 4 kidney cancer, despite being young and having no risk factors. She donates some of her book profits to the Kidney Cancer Research Alliance.
She also runs "Monsters In Your Inbox" a monthly round-up of B-horror movies, horror comedy books, and weird news. Sign up here: http://eepurl.com/czs0Rr
Find D.M. Guay on the web at dmguay.wordpress.com!
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