Let’s Give It Up For Everyone’s Favourite Poo-Eating Insect!
Yo, yo, yo, what’s up, folks! ‘Tis I, Thoth, your favourite ibis-headed fourth-wall-breaking divine narrator. We’re back for more, with considerably more coprophagia. But this time… it’s personal.
There comes a time in every god’s life when he must look in the mirror, consider the choices he’s made, and
Sorry, that was me. Some of the burrito from El Frijol Triste coming back for more. You know, the one full of chocolate, the stuff you’re not supposed to give to dogs… that I fed to my shaggy headed friend Anubis, leading to him spending an eternity on the can in the Hall of Maat? Yeah, he’s none too happy with me.
Nor is Maat. Nor anyone, really. I’ve made a few enemies during the apocalyptic end times, and there are more than a few plagues to go around. Someone has got to clean them up, though, which is why I’ve got my champions, Akins and Water Lily, to help. And it looks like we’ll have some aid from a few new members of Mom and Dad’s pantheon… like Khepri, the scarab-headed god about to chow down on stinky dinner. Or Khonsu, the weird moon-headed guy who…
Well, I’m not here to spoil it, but I am here to soil it. Which is actually part of the clim-
Why don’t I just do what I did last blurb and remind you to read the book?
Kiss Of The Scarab is the third book in Andrew Marc Rowe’s Thoth Quadrilogy comedic mythology series. If you like ribald jokes, quirky gods and heroes, and irreverent interpretations of myth and philosophy, then you’ll love Andrew Marc Rowe’s ridiculous adventure.