Clovir: An Overture has launched! New Reflection! Unity Raps!

Hey folks,

Clovir: An Overture launched on June 15. Thank you for all of your support in making the book a #1 bestseller in the Fantasy Anthologies category during the week leading up to release!

My friend Shawn and I brewed a batch of Cistern Ale in celebration of the launch. You can watch it here! Unfortunately, the giveaway is well out of date (it was a Father’s Day promotion - and promoted on social media - so if you haven’t already, please follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!)

A reminder: if you have read Clovir: An Overture and/or The Yoga of Strength, an honest Amazon review would be extremely helpful. It does not have to be very long, a sentence or two would be fine (but longer would be nice as well!)

One final thing: I took down the stories from Clovir: An Overture, all except one: The Black Kettle. This is going to be how I do my releases of short stories: you will get the first thirteen out of fifteen during the pre-launch period for free if you’re cool with reading them as a post on my website. One the book launches, only one will stick around for free. And then you will start to get the next batch of stories, gratis, until launch.

The reason I am doing this is called Kindle Unlimited (a big draw for the fantasy crowd). It is basically Netflix for books but you need to sign an exclusivity deal with e-book distribution for Amazon. Amazon has a rule against making more than 10% of the book available electronically if you go with their exclusivity deal.

So, read my e-mails and visit my site - you will go get tons of stuff for free if you'‘re on your toes. :-)

Surrender Reflection

I said the last Reflection would be the last one before I released Knight of Sophia: A Book of Reflections, a collection of all of my Reflections released for free plus a few extras exclusive to the book. I was wrong! This is it. Released on June 16, 2019, it is about the power of surrender, that paradoxical escalator to a certain unassailability. To paraphrase MC YOGI, we bow our heads low to become the heros of our lives. Click here to read!

Unity Raps

I’ve got a new video series starting called Unity Raps. Bite-sized hits of philosophy, with love, from me to you. The first Rap, Dreams, drops this weekend. Please like me on Facebook and subscribe to my channel on YouTube!

Much love,



Two new Unity Raps!


Clovir: An Overture is an #1 bestseller!